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Support us this Giving Tuesday by donating below!

I have received many calls and messages stating: "Delbert, your work is needed more than ever during these volatile political times."


Over the last 20-plus years, The Unspoken Truths® mission has been to empower people with the unspoken historical truths that lead to self-restoration and community healing.

I’d like for you all to close your eyes… What if there were a world where ALL children could learn how to self-identify and, more importantly, be truly happy with how they see themselves, rather than how the world (chooses) to see them?


ALL children and adults deserve to know and love who they are. Our work is heart work, deeply personal, and aims to make OUR world a better place.


At The Unspoken Truths®, we push against the continued denial of the many contributions of African people and African Americans of the Diaspora.


Please help us continue to uphold our vision and mission with your generous donation.


THANK YOU in advance!


Below you find some testimonials from various people who have experienced the museum.


"Mr. Richardson’s engaging and inviting style makes it impossible not to actively engage with the material he shares. What makes the Traveling History Museum so unforgettable is its engagement with your senses."

Dr. Suzanne M. Johnson, President, Green River College


"I learned the history of my culture and the importance of it."

9th-grade student of color


"I learned that racism is a belief; it was made up."

9th-grade student of color


"I will use the privilege I have to help others and make the world a better place."

11th-grade White-identifying student


"I learned that we were never slaves but were enslaved."

Black-identifying youth

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